Welcome to Dawat-e-Taqwa

TAQWA ‘Fear of ALLAH Subhawataala’

Infinite thanks to the Almighty Lord (Allah) that he created us as a Muslim and provided us an independent state. As, it is known rather evident to all that downfall and failure of the Muslims is increasing day by day and especially Pakistan is enduring new calamities and destruction which has become almost invincible. Therefore, as being a Muslim and a Pakistani citizen, it is our due responsibility to figure out the root cause of these horrendous situations and give an attempt to cure this all somehow.
During the past 65 years, numerous medications have been applied for afore-mentioned national diseases without any positive outcome. We have tried various political or governance systems, parties were formed, police department had been established with addition of Special Branch & C.I.D upto agencies and paramilitary forces like Rangers have been established. But conditions had become worst then EVER!

Why? Why it is happening only with us? Fear has overwhelmed us, the world is against us, whole world want to put an end to us, America is our foe, 50 countries of NATO are our opponents, India is our enemy. We have to think; after all the Allah has provided us mind and wisdom. We have to realize that why this all is happening to us.

We believe, rather it’s our diagnose that as the virtue of Taqwa (Taqwa means the Fear of God; Allah) has vanished from our heart, we have forgotten Allah and his dearly beloved Prophet (SAW) that’s why all the difficulties and hardships surround us from everywhere. The question is, why this should not happen to us, in fact we are moving off from the right track e.g Theft, Robbery, Obscenity, Rape, dishonesty, killing and murdering etc, all of these vices are common among us.

Firstly the Taqwa (fear of Allah) has left from our heart and secondly Ikhlas (Purity / Sincerity) has also vanished from us. Religion, the relationship with Allah and His Beloved Prophet (SAW), learning from Quran and Hadith, Good Governance, healthy politics, better trade and business, all of afore-mentioned dealings and relationships are all dependent on Taqwa and Ikhlas. If any nation would gain Taqwa & Ikhlas then there is no need to form many departments to control prevailing vices. Even if there would be such departments, Taqwa would be among them as well. If they gain Taqwa and Ikhlas characteristics then they will not be slaughtering people for their personal interest. If the Elites, Ministers and Politician gains Taqwa, there will be full-stop to injustice, unnecessary inflation, killings and terrorism. Spreading Taqwa extensively is a certain need of the hour. The hearts of the people must be enlightened with Taqwa and we should do physical, intellectual and practical Jihad (efforts) for the same so that Muslims and Pakistani nation would recourse towards Allah and his Prophet (SAW). Yes we have to part our ways from Rulers, Politicians, America, British and other worldly powers and recourse ourselves towards Allah and His Beloved Prophet (SAW) and must follow the right path given by Them. Allah says in Quran: “Say you 'If your fathers, and your sons and your brothers and your wives and your clan and the wealth of your earning and the trade of which you fear loss and the houses of your choice, these things are dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger and the struggling in His path, then wait till Allah brings His Command. And Allah guides not the disobedient”. (Surah Tauba, Verse#24).

Jihad is not that you step on to the battlefield to fight. If only fighting was the main moral then it wouldn’t have been called “Fi-Sabilillah” meaning “in the way of Allah”. Jihad is obligatory for the Muslims & Jihad is always according to time, era, conditions & situations wherever there is a requirement, there you must stand firmly. Jihad is carried out with the pen as well. Writing and conveying the truth to the people is also Jihad. To seek knowledge & even traveling for it, it is also Jihad.

Allah Subhanawatala has emphasized on Taqwa in Quran very frequently in various chapters and Surahs. Fear of Allah is called Taqwa. Presence of fear of Allah in the heart is magnanimous blessings of Allah, Taqwa is one of the blessing of Allah according to which fear of God enters into the hearts. The moral of Quran and Hadees is to establish fear of God inside us. We can seek benefit only from Taqwa, if your heart is filled with fear of Allah then you do not even kill a single fly or you would not like to make loss for anyone. If fear of ALLAH is present in your heart then you will not kill or rob anybody, you’ll say that Allah is watching us, how will I explain this wrong act in front of Him on the day of Judgement. If Taqwa is in your heart then you would be punctual in offering your prayers. You will say, “If Allah Subhanwataala will ask me about this then what will I reply. If you are wealthy and have Taqwa then you will say that I will be asked for that have I done with all this loads of money, I should pay Zakat immediately. If your heart is filled with fear of Allah Subhanwataala, you will never go for money deposits in bank to gain interest which is prohibited / Haram (Interest), rather you will consider it like eating shit, like eating dirty & Haram. Currently, whole country is deeply drowned into interest based transactions. It is being advertised that you can get profits on “Fixed deposits” and your money remains untouched yet profits are being earned. Muslims do not even feel repellent to this. Even so called very pious people are deeply involved into interest base profits. We have to restore Eman (Faith) and establish Taqwa (Fear of Allah).

So, what is fear of God? We will not see, what are the circumstances, need of the hour, strategy or requirement. All we have to observe is, what Allah and His Beloved Prophet (SAW) has asked us to do. Irrespective of the result, just focus on order (Amr) that what has been actually ordered. We will only observe and practice what have been ordered by Allah (AJ) and the Holy Prophet (SAW). For example, before Wisal, RASOLLULLAH (SAW) had ordered to prepare an army of Muslims to fight with an upcoming Roman Army and had ordered that this Muslim Army will go outside Madinah Munnawarah and face the Roman Army. After this order RASOLLULLAH (SAW) passed away and there was difference of opinion among Muslims that this Army should not be sent as it was needed more in Madinah Sharif based on critical circumstances. All of the companions of Holy Prophet (SAW) were against the idea to send this Army, but Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique (RA) did not agree to this idea and sent that Muslim Army by saying, “if Madinah becomes soulless and I become hungered with wolves even then I will not stop this Muslim Army which has been prepared by RASOLLULLAH (SAW)”, and thus ordered to send it. That clearly shown that we will not act as per any required strategy but will have to act truly according to the given order by Allah (SWT) & his beloved Prophet (SAW).
We have forgotten the Hereafter (life after death), we have totally forgotten that we have to eventually die. We have lost faith on Hereafter considering that there will be no life after death. Even we believe on Akhirat, let it be afterwards, right now lets fix our worldly matters. We have money, children, bank balance everything except Fear of Allah. Parents are least bother about acts of their children and what character they have. Teachers are also unaware about the track of new generation. Everyone is trying to be a politician or at least want to discuss politics only but they have no interest to discuss about Allah (SWT) and his Prophet (SAW). Majority of our Ulama (religious scholars) are short of sincerity and distant from Taqwa. Educational system, Madrassas and Schools are being politicized and everything is being sacrificed to adopt western democracy.

The world especially Muslims have become distracted from righteous path. We are ignorant to truth. Everyone is worried and restive and to overcome this insipidness, someone is going for Yoga or on sedative or listening music. They think they can be tranquil with Music which is absolutely false. Music makes a man more restive. It tranquilizes the brain and the listener feels he is being relaxed. Allah Taala has never said that music is the source of calm the hearts, instead Allah (SWT) says:
"Those who have believed and whose hearts are assured by the remembrance of Allah . Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah hearts are assured". (Surah Raad, Verse # 28)

Allah’s Messenger (SAW) said:
“The world is and whatever in it is Maledict except ALLAH’s remembrance.”
Perform ALLAH’s Zikr (remembrance). Remember Allah and see what you get? Indeed they are in blessed and tranquil who concentrate towards Allah (SWT) and holds fear of Allah (SWT).

This mission has been started with the name of “Dawate Taqwa” to spread Taqwa (Fear of God) and Ikhlas among the nation, to restore the lost glory of Muslims and Pakistan. If you are a Journalist or an author try to write and discuss on Taqwa or Fear of God. If you are an artist, singer, or actor or vocalist, join us in this noble mission. If you are teacher or lecturer then include Taqwa in your teachings.

If you are politician/ leader / ruler / bureaucrat or you hold any office, you must try to perform your duties with fear of ALLAH Taala. Everyone may take part in this mission to earn his Akhirat and to please Allah (SWT) and His Beloved Prophet (SAW). Spread this teaching of Taqwa in your social circle, family, and relatives, in your gatherings or in your offices. You may either use Dawat-e-Taqwa plateform or you may spread this message from your existing platform. Must lit your torch of Taqwa. You must take part this mission irrespective of any benefit for Sect, School of thought, any union or political party, any organization or territory. Just do it to please Allah (SWT) and his Prophet (SAW) and work even individually on this mission.

If you want to use Dawat-e-Taqwa platform by joining a proper team then send us membership form duly filled by you. If you are on facebook / Twitter / Googles plus, join us and support us there. You will be provided the periodic publications on this mission.

Should you have any comments, thought or suggestion, please do send us on email info@dawat-e-taqwa.org or write post it on facebook or send it via snail mail on our given postal address.

“And we are not responsible except for clear notification”. (Al-Quran, Surah Yasin V # 17)

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